This error most often occurs when starting the game, but can also occur when attempting to load. You will see a pink slime with a red exclamation mark when this occurs.
This is most often an access violation which can be caused by the following:
Outdated or corrupt graphics drivers - Please go to the website of your graphic card manufacturer and look for the most recent driver available for your card. In the case of a corrupt driver, you will want to completely uninstall your driver and install it again.
Running out of memory - Please double check that you have the 4 GB minimum of RAM. If you are at the minimum you may need to look into closing other applications and processes which may be preventing Unity from accessing the necessary amount.
If you believe that you have enough but are still having trouble, it may be another issue with your RAM, and we suggest that you run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool to check your RAM.
Dual GPUs - Unity has trouble with handling multiple GPUs. You can check with your graphics card manufacturer with how to disable multiple GPUs, or you can open Device Manager and remove the secondary GPU driver from there.
Secondary Monitors - There may be an issue with connecting to a monitor from a laptop. If you don't use the laptop screen we suggest opening the Display settings and under Multiple displays setting it to Duplicate these displays.
If above doesn't resolve this issue for you, please follow our guide for collecting your player logs and include that information in a support request to us so we can look into this for you!
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