If you are playing on Steam and you are experiencing issues with your controller working, try toggling between the configuration support for your type of controller. You can do this by:
- Opening Steam and then click Steam from the top menu bar
- Select Settings
- Select Controller from the list of setting options and click the General Controller Settings button
- Check the box (or, in some cases, uncheck the box) for the type of controller that most matches what you are using
If none of those configuration options solve this issue for you, then please submit a ticket and include the following:
- The Platform (Steam, Humble, etc.) you are playing on
- Your Operating System (Windows, Mac, Linux)
- The type of controller being used
- A description of the problem you've encountered
And, if you are able to, please also include any driver you have installed for the controller, or if they are pre-installed OS driver.
Platform: Steam
Operating System: Windows 10
Controller: Xbox One S Controller
Description: Recently I started having trouble with my Xbox controller - the left analog stick doesn’t move my character, but all other controls seem to work.
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